Pantone Color Choices
Here are some common imprint colors and stock lanyard. We offer a wide range of solid coated colors that can make choosing the right color for your lanyards easy. If you do not find the right color for your lanyards in the given listings, you need to see our complete pantone color chart.
White C
Black C
7546 C
7544 C
7541 C
283 C
542 C
Cyan C
286 C
072 C
289 C
327 C
7467 C
3252 C
375 C
361 C
355 C
357 C
574 C
7499 C
142 C
123 C
Yellow C
7509 C
021 C
1595 C
485 C
210 C
212 C
186 C
187 C
202 C
694 C
263 C
252 C
266 C
2607 C
468 C
728 C
730 C
464 C
476 C
871 C
877 C
872 C
802 C
806 C
803 C